i've always had this bizarre obsession with all things french, culture, language, music, people and definitely the city of paris. freshman year of high school i was frustrated with the fact that i couldn't just become french? and i guess i could get citizenship there, become fluent, change my name to Audrey Tautou, and live their for the rest of my life...but i figured that would be kinda lame ass to ignore my Italian Greek roots. I am what I am I should love where I come from, but I'll always wanna be "french." here are some of my favorite french women including eva green, catherine deneuve, vanessa paradis, audrey tautou, my ex- french exchange student Alexane Matszeraka (who I will always be friends) with and one of my best friends of all time..Eloise Frolet (don't kill me for picking this photo..you're just such a skateboard chick i thought it was necesssary :)